Ministry Teams
We are a people who…
PARTICIPATE with God in the ministry that He is doing in our church, our homes, and our community.
We accomplish this most effectively by partnering together in Ministry Teams.
For more information about our current Ministry Teams or to inquire about building your own, please contact our main office or visit the main foyer a grab a contact card.
Find an area you are passionate about, plug in, and use your gifts in service | Search Ministry Teams below
*Listed in Alphabetical Order
Children’s Ministry
We work hard to provide quality teaching and experiences for the children and families at SPBC and are always willing to help however needed with community events.
Congregational Care Visitation Ministry
The Congregational Care Visitation Team exists to provide care to people in our church family who are experiencing health-related problems, and who find themselves in either the hospital or a nursing home.
Connections Cafe Ministry
The Connections Cafe Ministry Team runs the Cafe every Sunday during both morning church services. The Cafe impacts each of us by allowing us to plug in to all the visitors coming and going.
Feed My Sheep & Salvation Army Meal Delivery
Our contributions of cash, goods, and volunteers provides for families that are struggling to put food on their table as well as shut-ins who are especially grateful for a hot meal. However, as with all ministries, our reach is greater as we are able to witness God’s love to others and very often help them receive other services that they are otherwise unaware of.
First Impressions Ministry
The First Impressions Ministry Team is intentional for making people feel at home when they arrive for worship at SPBC. The First Impressions Team consists of several sub-teams including the Parking Lot Team, the Greeters Team, the Guest Services Desk Team and the Host Team. From the time people reach one of the parking areas on our campus, the First Impressions Team intends to make sure their experience is a positive one.
Funeral Dinners Ministry
Our Funeral Dinner ministry is an act of serving families who have lost a loved one who was a member of SPBC. We are blessed with awesome helpers. And knowing that the deceased are with Jesus makes our work even more fruitful
Kitchen & Hospitality Ministry
The Kitchen and Hospitality Team serves the church by providing food and fellowship at our annual Fall Festival and Thanksgiving dinners. We work together as a team to get the job done and are always thankful for those that volunteer their time
All of our volunteers are essential to maintain good organization of our resources and perform duties such as hauling books to and from church, re-organizing, updating, and even building shelving for the multitude of inventory!
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”
Missions Ministry
The Missions Team is a standing team necessary to plan mission trips for our members, distribute scholarship funds for short- or long-term missionaries and partnerships, and education of missions to our congregation.
New Life Ministry
New Life Ministry (NLM) is a non-profit, interdenominational, faith-based ministry to female drug addicts and victims of human trafficking, and is sponsored by South Parkersburg Baptist Church. It was started in 2015 at the request of Parkersburg Law Enforcement in response to the drug addiction epidemic in our community and state as a whole, but officially became an SPBC ‘Ministry Team’ as of November 2018. This ministry is offered to adult females, referred by the Parkersburg Police Department or the Wood Co. Adult Probation Office, requesting help and committed to seeking LIFE change.
Offering Counting Ministry
Our ministry is to count the weekly church offerings and offerings for special church events
Pastoral Relations Ministry
This ministry, which was formed in 2018, was established to provide support and encouragement to our Pastoral Staff. We represent all age groups, but members are specifically considered as an advocate for each staff member.
Property Management Team
The Property Management Team is a group of men with various skills and work experiences that we use to maintain the church property. We have been an active group for several years. In our monthly meetings we review current projects and planned projects for the year.
Sanctuary Choir
The SPBC Choir has been a long-standing tradition for many years. We’ve had a wide span of ages in the choir, from 10-90 years old! We just have a good time praising the Lord through some wonderful music!
Senior Connection Ministry
The group was organized to minister to our shut-ins and those in nursing homes. We meet the first Monday of each month to deliver a lunch and visit with the shut-ins who have difficulty cooking for themselves or just need company. We also take them their Large print Sunday school Lessons and Secret Place devotionals.
Student Ministry
The Student Ministry strives to provide students with a safe environment to learn about God’s word and to create a life-long desire to serve and follow God’s will. In addition to Sunday morning and Wednesday evening, we offer activities such as bowling, trips to the movies, special Bible studies, and opportunities to serve within our community to have an impact beyond our borders.
“For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
Sunday School Administrative Staff
Our team has been together for 12 years and are responsible for ordering all the adult Sunday School materials, gathering and recording Sunday School attendance reports, and collecting all Sunday School offerings.
Upward Basketball Ministry
Our Upward Basketball Ministry provides kindergartners through fifth graders a positive setting to learn the game of basketball while also promoting the discovery of Jesus through sports.
Ushering Ministry
In our Ministry, we have the opportunity to serve the church in many areas such as greeting worshipers, aiding in seating, distributing and retrieving friendship registers, receiving morning and evening offerings, and providing assistance at special events of the church.
Van Drivers Ministry
The Van drivers make a trip around various areas of South Parkersburg every Sunday morning and evening to bring people to services and classes.
Worship & Media Support Ministries
These two teams work closely together with the goal of placing God at the forefront of every corporate gathering we have at SPBC. It is our hope that each and every worship service creates an intimate atmosphere that leads to a powerful and unique experience with God.
Sure we have some great ministries…
But they only work with YOU! We encourage you to get involved in a Ministry Team where you feel most passionate to use your gifts and talents. Have more questions?