Frequently Asked QUESTIONS
Got a question? We’re here to answer.
If you don’t see your question here, drop us a line on our contact page.
Are you back to worshiping in person again?
Yes! We are now in Phase III of rejoining together. This means that our 9:00 & 10:30 am worship services are being held in-person AND you can meet with your Groups/ Classes/ Ministries at the church. Please note that we are still following COVID-19 guidelines with mask-wearing and social distancing.
What are your services like?
We have a blended style of worship at 9:00 am and a more contemporary style at 10:30 am. We promise either to be a beautiful experience praising our God. PLAN YOUR EXPERIENCE today!
What does it mean to be a Baptist Church?
SPBC is an American Baptist Church - a member of American Baptist Churches USA, and at the state level we are a part of the West Virginia Baptist Convention. We practice two ordinances: believers baptism (immersion) and hold communion (representative of the body and blood of Jesus Christ).
Who do I talk to if I want to be baptized?
Baptism is a very important step in a believer's life. We want to celebrate that with you and prepare a time for you to share your story with us. CONTACT US whenever you're ready to talk to one of our pastors about this joyous time.
Can I participate in communion?
If you are a Christ follower who has received God's gift of salvation through Jesus, you are welcome to partake in Communion. You do not have to be a member. You do not have to be of the Baptist Denomination.
What is available for children?
We have both a CHILDREN'S MINISTRY (Birth - 5th grade) and a STUDENT MINISTRY (6th - 12th grade). Click on either to find more information about when and where they meet.
Are there classes for adults?
Yes. There are adult classes that take place during each of our morning worship services. We recommend trying our “Next Steps” class if you are new to our church. This class meets at 9:00 am on Sunday, and in this class you will learn about the various classes, small groups, and ministries that you can plug in to. We also provide an ongoing Bible study on Wednesday evenings from 6:00-7:00 pm.
What is the typical attire?
Come as you are! Truly! Some have more formal attire while others dress more casually.
What can I do if I miss a Sunday or Wednesday night?
So there's this talk going around that "We are a people who." THAT means that we can BE the church outside the 4 walls of the church. We have excellent ways to stay in the loop on a weekly basis to help you do that even when you have to miss. 1) We publish our SERMON MESSAGES right here on our page. 2) Our CHILDREN'S MINISTRY sends out weekly emails for Wednesday night lessons. 3) We have many that meet in small groups to have "church" in their homes. CONTACT US and we can help!