September 2022
August 2022
July 2022
June 2022
Keep Moving
Lenten Season 2022
February 2022
January 2022
One of Us, One with Him Celebrate the season of Advent with us as we explore peace, love, hope, and joy and dive into the season preparing for the coming of our Lord.
ACCORDING TO Matthew, Mark, Luke, John… What does Jesus say about how we should live out Kingdom? How we should serve our neighbor? How we can be a true follower of Christ?
TRUTH & LOVE For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Galations 5:14
FAITH & FREEDOM Jesus came and paid THE ultimate sacrifice for us and made a way for us to have freedom. These are not freedoms like we talk about as a nation. Rather, this is a freedom that comes by being in Christ and Christ in us; freedom to receive and know the grace of God; and freedom to speak the message of grace and to extend grace to others.
THE SENT ONES Author Tod Bolsinger states that "the church is the embodiment of the work of the original disciples, who became the first apostles, 'sent' to the world, and equipping and being equipped for the sending." As followers of Christ, we are "sent ones" who are called to be a witnessing community. The early church took this very seriously and showed us what it looks like to be just that. Where, and to whom, is God sending you? What can we learn from the first apostles as we seek to be equipped, as well as equipping others?
EASTER WEEK Easter Sunday is preceeded by a week a monumental week if the life of Jesus, starting with His triumphal entry into Jerusalem and ending with His triumphal defeat of the grave. Celebrate with us in praise and worship as we share in the Resurrection of Christ.
ROAD BLOCKS Intimacy with Christ and kingdom experience is possible right now! The problem is that things... "roadblocks"... can get in our way of experiencing this realty. Are there roadblocks in your way? Do we put roadblocks in the way for others to know Christ and experience kingdom life?
KEEPING PACE Developing and maintaining a healthy pace in life is so important and beneficial. The problem is that things happen in life that can disrupt this pace / rhythm. However, keeping a healthy pace in life by making a regular practice of certain things can help us through these times. They can also keep using a place where we feel free, engaged, energized, or in a place of healing and wholeness.
THE PURSUIT Jesus brought in the kingdom of heaven (God), and he said to “seek first the kingdom of God.” In this series we will look at what it means that the kingdom of heaven has come near, and it means to pursue the kingdom. Pursuing the kingdom is a key component of our vision as a church, and doing so effectively will shape us into who God has called us to be personally and corporately. Discipleship is to be a holistic concept in which we learn and grow in our walk with Christ, as well as live it out in our homes, workplace, school, etc.
GOD WITH US A time of anticipation for the coming Christ. As we enter into this season and prepare for Christmas, there can be a range of emotions. Hope, peace, love, and joy are those most talked about in advent, but the reality is that there can also be the presence of uncertainty, anxiety, fear, and depression for some. That is why the promise and reality of Emmanuel - God with us - is so important. Join us as we journey through the Christmas stories in Matthew and Luke, particularly looking at the experience through the eyes of Mary and Joseph. What can we learn from them in order to know the hope, peace, love, and joy of God with us?

THE ONES "The Ones" is a 3 week series where we'll be looking at 3 parables Jesus told in Luke 15. The sheep, coin, and son are obviously the ones lost in these stories, but there is great rejoicing when they are found. Who are "the ones" in your circle of influence? Are they the focus of our attention? When are you "the one?"
IN THE BEGINNING We can’t fully understand the end unless we have a deeper understanding of the beginning. This series is a journey through Genesis. My hope is that through it we will gain a deeper understanding of who and how God is, what they mean for us, and how it points forward to the rest of of the story, particularly the life of Christ.
UNQUENCHED After Pentecost there was a great movement of the Spirit among Christ's followers. Paul wrote in 1 Thessalonians. "do not quench the Spirit," but rather as he states in Galatians 5, "we are keep in step with the Spirit." How can we do this? There are spiritual disciplines (practices) that we can implement that will help us to "keep in step" and thus avoid this quenching. Join us for this series as we learn how we can experience a life of intimacy and relationship with God.
NORMAL? Our new sermon series focuses on transitioning from the events on Easter Sunday to asking ourselves how we are different because of His resurrection.
GOD IS KING Diving into the Book of Mark, we are looking at God's perspective and asking ourselves if we do things according to how HE sees them.