Classes & Small Groups
We are a people who…
PURSUE the Kingdom of God by being disciples who make disciples.
As we engage in God’s word, we engage the world around us.
For more information about our current Classes and Small Groups or to inquire about building your own, please contact our main office or visit the main foyer a grab a contact card.
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*Listed in Alphabetical Order
American Baptist Women’s Ministry (ABWM) | Tuesdays
ABW Ministries is a group of mission-minded women who meet the second Tuesday of each month. This organization is open to all women at SPBC. Each meeting consists of prayer time, devotions, and fellowship along with planning events. We also gather twice a year with other ABW Ministries from the Parkersburg area and attend state ABW events.
Awakenings | Sundays 9:00 am
Included in our class are young adults that are either attending college or have joined the workforce. What we all have in common is that we are all young people fresh on the pavement of the adult world. In the midst of so many new challenges, it’s tricky to then also ask what God requires of us as we grow and mature in our faith.
Bereans | Sundays 9:00 am
The Bereans class is composed of a wide range of folks that span 40-70 years. We have been meeting together for almost 20 years. We believe that intense Bible study allows us to mature spiritually, and as we become stronger in our faith we can impact the church greatly by being more productive, caring disciples. Our members represent various communities around Parkersburg and our class helps us to build a framework on which we build our lives in these communities.
BYKOTA | Sundays 10:30 am
Our class has been meeting together for more than 32 years. We are all trying to fulfill our name which means Be Ye Kind One To Another. We study God’s word in depth and we have awesome teachers who are very dedicated to teaching what God would have us to learn.
Faithful Followers | Sundays 9:00 am
This is a "small group" ministry that has been meeting for close to 10 years. We truly care about one another and are made up of individuals and/or couples that are mature in age. We meet on Friday evenings each week. Our meetings include a share and prayer time together and our goal is that you will always go home hungry for more of God's word but you will never go home hungry. Our ministry is to provide an opportunity for close fellowship that allows each of us to openly share our hurts and our needs so that we can know that others are praying for us and can support us.
Good Samaritans | Sundays 10:30 am
The Good Samaritan class has been together for many years. We are a group of mostly retired folks who gather for fellowship and study. We believe we are here to impact our church and community positively, spiritually, financially, and physically. We like to call ourselves prayers warriors as we constantly seek to support each other.
Happy Hearts | Sundays 10:30 am
The Happy Hearts class is primarily made up of senior adults who love to laugh and care about each other. We meet every Sunday morning for a Bible-centered study. We are very intentional about reaching out by maintaining an active “keep in touch” program with our inactive members, supporting ministries and special programs within our church, and participating in a multitude of community outreach programs and projects.
Harvest | Sundays 9:00 am
The Harvest class welcomes all ages of people. We’ve been together for about 10 years and we fervently fill up our prayer board prior to Bible-centered study. We also enjoy fellowship with one another outside of class quarterly.
“Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.””
Koinonia | Sundays 10:30 am
The Koinonia class has been meeting for 25+ years and are a mix of ages, ranging from retirees to younger generations. Our class is very active in supporting a variety of ministries within the church as well as some within the community.
Ladies In Fellowship Together (L.I.F.T.) | Tuesdays 12:30 pm
L.I.F.T. is a small group of ladies of all ages, and began meeting together 10 years ago. Our present membership includes mostly women in their 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s. Weekly meetings include times of sharing and prayer; but the focus is on the topic of study, whether it is scripture, a book study, or video series.
New Beginnings | Sundays 10:30 am
The New Beginnings class is an inter-generational group that enjoys in-depth studies learning particular books of the Bible that last several months, up to a year depending on the book!
Next Step | Sundays 9:00 am
The Next Step class is specifically geared to NEW PEOPLE:: new to the church, new to the community, new to the faith, new to any kind of church class/ small group experience. Our goal is genuine hospitality, along with practical application of what God says in the Bible.
Serving Others With Love (S.O.W.L.) | Sundays 10:30 am
The S.O.W.L class has been together for about 2 years and is typically attended by middle-aged folks. Very often we are studying from the weekly training guide provided by the pastor that allows us to take a deeper look into that morning’s sermon.
Senior Single Sisters | Fridays
Senior Single Sisters is are mainly a Christian Fellowship support group. We meet the 3rd Friday of every month and visitors are always welcome. We are rooted in the desires to build friendships, have someone to go out with, talk with, and enjoy fellowship.
Thursday Morning Class | Thursdays 9:00 am
This group began over 20 years ago with five or six senior retired adults. We spend our time not only studying and discussing, but truly sharing with one another. We study various books of the Bible, using study guides prepared by different Christian leaders.
If you don’t see a Class or Small Group that appeals to either your age, interest, or schedule, your story doesn’t stop there!
We encourage you to get involved in a small group of your own. Several of folks hold regular weekly fellowship in their homes. AND if you need help, we are more than happy to provide guidance and get you started with a multitude of resources we have right here at our church! Give us a shout out if you want to chat more!